Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Spongebob Squarepants Movie (2004)

A small disclaimer before you continue reading: I am an enormous Spongebob fan; a plush Spongebob is sitting next to me, in fact. Therefore I advise you to read this with a hint of skepticism, though I shall do my best to remain fair in this review.

Lots of people give me a hard time for watching Spongebob as it's a "children's" show and tell me I need to develop interests for my own age. This film is reassuring to me as it promotes being yourself and, more topically, it promotes the joys of being youthful. Is it so terrible to enjoy a simple pleasure about friendship, hard work and enjoying your life? I don't think so, and I also think that if people took the time to watch more things like Spongebob instead of schlock like "Transformers" and "Twilight" we may very well have a world with a bit more optimism.

But about the film...
It's a big day for Spongebob. Mr. Krabs is opening the Krusty Krab 2 next door to the original and is in need of a manager for the establishment. Well, of course the obvious choice for the job would be Spongebob, right? After all, he has won employee of the month 374 times consecutively. Alas, the job goes to Squidward with Mr. Krabs telling our favorite sponge he couldn't manage the restaurant as he is only a kid. Thus begins a running theme of maturity vs. spirit.

Plankton, as usual, is attempting to steal the Krabby Patty Secret Formula, now turning to the infallible "Plan Z" which involves framing Krabs for the theft of King Neptune's crown. Spongebob is tasked with retrieving the crown in six days before Neptune executes his boss. He and Patrick embark on a dangerous quest to Shell City, the forbidden city. On the way they blow bubbles, fight a cyclops, eat sundaes, evade a killer named Dennis and ride on the poop deck of David Hasselhoff. That's a pretty big adventure for a kid, but of course we know Spongebob can do it.

As a film it does feel a bit thin. The show works so well with 11 minute plots with that delicious humor inspired by "Ren and Stimpy". As a feature length film, however, there does not seem much that could be done except an adventure film with a series of obstacles, in which case they can continue that episodic structure to which it is accustomed to.

It is funny, and is far more polished than the show (which some including myself might argue is not necessarily a good thing, but in order to save time the artists probably had to do that) which is good for audiences of all ages. The plot is accessible enough for children of course, but a lot of the humor is whip-smart and definitely geared towards mom and dad. After all, I'm sure a 7 year old is not going to recognize the Twisted Sister scene towards the end, nor will they catch all of the clever one-liners.

There is a second film coming out in 2014, or so I've heard, and I am excited to see it. This film is not great and will not make any new fans, but there is enough there that I think I merits a sequel. After all, isn't it enough to have a bit of a guilty pleasure every eight years or so? I think so and say with gumption that I am a Goofy Goober, yeah!


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