Directed by: Guillermo del Toro
Written by: Travis Beacham, Guillermo del Toro
Starring: Charlie Hunnam, Rinko Kikuchi, Idris Elba
Rated: PG-13
Writing about this film is pretty pointless. Watch the trailer and you'll know that it's about a monster-alien invasion which is combatted by giant new robots and they smash each other and it's bright and loud and over two hours of smashing and special effects and bad one-liners and no real plot or fully developed characters buthowcoulditbebadbecauseit'sdirectedbyaforeignersoitmustbegoodandGODILOVEFILMSTHATREMINDMEOFPOWERRANGERS!!!
Basically it's big, it's dumb, it's visually stunning and you shouldn't expect anymore than what they trailer gives you. I could go on giving you a plot about inter-dimensional portals which let in giant monsters called Kaiju who reek havoc on the world's major cities. And then I could go on about the Jaeger Program and mind melding and all sorts of ridiculous nonsense, but in the end aren't you just going to the theater to watch your childhood action figure fantasies get played out with a $180,000,000 budget?
I did, and I had a blast.
(Here's the trailer, just in case you live under a rock.)
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